Exhibition- a public display, as of the work of artists or artisans, the products of farms or factories, the skills of performers, or objects of general interest The exhibition turned out to be a great success, thanks to the event planner that made everything happen. Interpersonal- of or pertaining to the relations between persons Being an event planner means you need to be interpersonal and be able to communicate well with other people. Hoarding- a large board used for displaying advertising posters, as by a road To get more people to come to the exhibition, the event planner made hoardings and posted them around the town and the roads. The Facts An event planner does way more than just organize the event, they direct, control, plan, coordinate, and supervise the various mechanisms that form the successful event. Also, there are many types of events that an event planner may have to organize. These include weddings, sports events, galas, conventions of all types of sorts, and exhibitions. In order to be a successful event planner, you should have very good problem solving skills, be able to multitask, be creative, and much more. Most jobs in this career field also require either a bachelor's or master's degree in hospitality, public relations, or something of that field. Also, you need to have some experience in the work field in order for people to trust you with their events. Motivation of Source I believe that this article was written for people interested in becoming an event planner or already are an event planner and are looking for helpful tips to make them better at what they do. This article shows what skills you need and what type of schooling you must attend, so that is why I believe it is for people interested in this career. I also believe that this article was written mostly to simply offer information, but it could also offer a solution to a questions being posed. The reason I think it simply offers information is