
Leadership in Lord of the Flies

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In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, each character represent some abstract idea of government. This is a story about "a group of english boys who are shipwrecked on a tropical island and they work hard together to save themselves  (Henningfeld). William Golding uses the character Jack to show how Lord of the Flies is a political allegory, in this book, Jack represents a totalitarian who despite his tendencies to rule with fear, actually brings the boys food and safety. Throughout the novel, Jack represent a totalitarian leader. At the beginning of the story, Jack could not become a leader of kids because they chose Ralph as a leader. He sees Ralph as a weak and inappropriate leader so he asked the boys to remove Ralph. Jack declared that he will no longer be on Ralph's tribe; so he gathered his hunters and followers. Jack is more powerful than than Ralph; he could hunt and role. " Before the party had started a great log had been dragged into the center of lawn and Jack, painted and garland, sat there like an idol. there were piles of meat on green leaves near him, and fruit, and coconut shells full of drink  (Golding 215). Jack sitting on a log and at the center like an idol, shows how powerful Jack is. Kids respect him much more than Ralph, because even though he is a totalitarian leader; Jack provides them safety and happiness. Also all the kids have their own role in the group to obey and by breaking it, Jack punishes them. According to Diane Henningfeld, " Jack, represents a totalitarian dictator, a ruler who appeals to emotional response of his followers. He rules with charisma and hysteria  (Henningfeld). Being totalitarian and ruling with charisma is essential in the island. There are many kids and they are so lazy to work and help each other. If Jack was not a totalitarian leader, then the situation would be exactly like the time when Ralph was the leader. Therefore Jack represents a totalitarian leader which is

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