
Effective Communication in Health and Social Care

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In this assignment, I P1, P2 AND M1 I am going to explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in H & S C and discuss the theories of communication and then, I will also assess the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in H & S C with reference to theories of communication. Communication is way of exchanging information, giving and receiving a message between two or more people, also this is known as passing on information by speech, behaviour, visuals, signals and writing. Communication is very essential in a health and social care setting; this is because people’s needs need to be met and messages have to be clear for a person to understand. Effective communication in H≻ settings is very vital, as it allows the career to perform their role effectively alongside their colleague’s whist developing supportive ties with service user who came from a different background, religion and culture. People with communication disabilities are at risk of not being able to communicate effectively with their career. The different context which communication can be explained is one to one, group, formal, informal communication. One to one communication is way of one individual communicating with another, this can be presented to be interpersonal interaction and it can also be done face to face, e-mail, letters, and sign language. One to one interaction is always effective as both of them will be working together effectively and interacts well. For example, one to one communication can take place in a community care home where the service user is talking about their personal problem with the career and the career is helping the individual out with their problem, this is part of effective communication as the one to one interacting is working positively. Group interaction – is a process by which verbal and non-verbal messages are exchange between a limited numbers, usually from 3 to 20 people. This normally happens in a meeting such as school, hospital, care home and college within the staffs. In the course of the group communication, every individual will try and get their ideas and thoughts across to the people in the group. Communications between Colleagues - this is important within a health and social care setting, because lack of tolerance for your fellow employee’s might create a negative emotional atmosphere. Respect and trust is a key part of communicating with colleagues because it will make the job you are partaking and individuals will find it much better to transfer confidential information. An example of this would be if a newly employed nurse or doctor wants to meet another health care professional they would have to ensure their first meeting sets a good impression, they could show this by being welcome and friendly towards them which by giving them respect they would get it in return. Communication Between professional - Professionals from different backgrounds often have to work together in order to access meet the needs of service users. Multi-professional working occurs when professionals from different areas have to work together as a team. Communication will need to be formal and carefully planned in advance in order to avoid barriers to understanding Communication between professional and service users - Health care professionals, sometimes use their own specific language. This is called a ‘language community’ it is a community or association which have their own words, phrases and also expectations. Other professionals are aware of the need to translate their own language from technical to everyday when working with clients, patients or residents. This prevents the professionals from being misunderstood and causing any confusions when giving individuals informational - every day and confidential. Formal communication - this communication is often used when a professional such as a health or social care worker speaks to someone using a service; formal communication can also communicate via Email, Face to face, formal letter. In a health and social setting, formal communication must be order to get a message across correctly for example; when meeting a service user for the time in a care home, it appropriate that the communication should be formal, otherwise the interaction would be misunderstood. Informal -this also consist of two or more people; it is often spoken using jargon or slang. This type of communication will generally be used in groups of friends or people who you know too well, for example chatting with a friend or colleague in the work place or short conversations during practical assistance. However, majority of the young age group in this day will use informal communication when speaking to someone whether it is by text, instant messaging or face to face. In a health and social setting informal language cannot be used because, if a carer spoke to their service users in a care home using slang, the service user migh

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