Although The Outsiders was written in the mid-1960s, and took place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the story would not differ much if it were written today with a setting of Billings, Montana. The setting would differ and the names would change, but the common themes of The Outsiders still exist today, in slightly scarier ways. For those unfamiliar with the story told in The Outsiders, here is a short summary. Brothers Pony Boy, Soda Pop and Darry belong to gang called the Greasers. Their parents died in a car crash and they are simply trying to make their way through life. The Greasers are in constant battle with the rival gang from the West side of town called the Socs. In a confrontation between rival gang members, one of the Greasers (Johnny) kills a Soc (Bob). Johnny and Pony Boy go into hiding in a church for a short time. When they return after getting some food, they find the church is on fire and they run in to save some kids who are in the church. Johnny gets hurt when a large piece of burning wood falls on him and breaks his back. While Johnny is dying in the hospital, the rival gangs have a huge brawl. The Greasers win, but Johnny dies. Another member of the Greasers (Dally) is so upset over Johnny’s death that he decides to play suicide by cop. He robs a liquor store and pulls out an unloaded gun when the cops are chasing him. They shoot him dead. Pony Boy is so overwhelmed at losing two gang family members that he has somewhat of a mental breakdown. Though all of this conflict and loss, Pony Boy and his brothers become closer and he feels that in spite of all of the losses he has suffered, he truly does belong to a family. The struggles that Pony Boy, Dallas, Soda Pop, Johnny and the rest of the Greasers dealt with during the 1960s are very similar to what teenagers today deal with. The characters in the book are all looking for acceptance and a sense of family in one way or another which leads them to become a member of a gang. As a part of a gang, they are expected to act tough, break the law, smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol and participate in criminal and violent activities. Today’s teens are still seeking acceptance. Even kids who come from good families who wo