
The King and the Kingdom

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In order for one to comprehend the Kingdom of God, one would need to comprehend the conflict that remained between Jesus and the Jewish leaders. During the days of Jesus, the religious leaders had disagreements with Christ’s teachings. The disputes and disagreements, made Christ’s message about God’s Kingdom completely understandable. “The reason is that the element of conflict is of the essence of Gospel-plot, and at the human level it is particularly with the Jewish leaders that Jesus becomes embroiled in mortal struggle.” (Kingsbury, 1987, pp. 57). The religious leaders had their own opinion and way of belief, and Jesus told them differently. They were content with their lives, and Jesus was to teach them God’s Word and way. The religious leaders believed differently and felt Christ was challenging them or was a threat. The death of Jesus, would not end His teachings. His death would conclude that Jesus is the King over all Kings for everyone who believes in Him. The Triumphal Entry To those who are Christ’s true followers, the triumphal entry has special meaning & it would be casual to those who do not follow Him. Through all of Christianity, the triumphal entry holds great significance for those follow Him. The welcoming the people provided, is how the famed people were welcomed. Christ did ride into Jerusalem on a donkeys foal like a king, although He is the king that conquers all the kings. Disciples placed their cloaks upon the foal, for Christ to sit upon. A multitude of people laid their own cloaks and palm tree branches upon the ground before Jesus. Doing this was act of homage, to show royalty, on account of being the King over kings. The people were excited due to the belief of Jesus being their deliverer from Rome. Christ’s followers cheered upon His entry into Jerusalem, out faith of being the Messiah and their deliverance of sin. Many knew not the purpose of what was happening. Eventually the people be

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