?Stephanie Consequences for Bullying How many times have you or someone you know been in a circumstance where you felt a bully was trying to intimidate you? Obviously bullying is very atrocious and needs to be put under control. If we teach our kids at a young age to respect themselves, strength of character would be to respect others. According to online Merriam Webster," bully means a blustering, browbeating person; especially: one habitually cruel to others who are weaker, it also states that in 1963 the first case of bullying was acknowledged.'' Many have heard, seen, or witnessed the issues of a bully firsthand.Some people tend to get an urge to want to bully in order to make themselves feel better or hype up their popularity at school. Bullying has minor penalties that should be enhanced where a victim gets justice and seeks a solution to that person who belittled them. Bullying occurs all around the world and makes a difference in lives that can cause a dramatic way in their outlook on life or everyday situation.Most common effects of bullying are verbal, harassment, ugly remarks of how a person may look, and socially. Overall more people need to get involved in interacting with children to build stronger friendships. Bullying is becoming so widespread the White House held a conference to address some of the issues. The purpose of the conference was to get the government involved to share the information to the communities. President Obama stated that bullying impacts every young person in the country. President Obama is also the first president to address bullying and acknowledge the issues. The government statistics showed 1 in 3 middle and high school students reported being bullied.This is an issue that resonates with all of us.Congresswoman Sanchez also introduced safe school improvement act to Washington to decrease bullying in schools.There should be stricter consequences for a person that feels the need to bully. Bullying can break down a person’s self-esteem and make them feel less worthy. Congresswoman Sanchez believes bullying can destroy a students' self-esteem and wreck their academics.Bullies who were not victims of bullying had a higher chance of personality disorder then those who were never bullied. Studies have shown long-term damaging effects that were caused by bullying.Movements are being enacted to help recognize and help people cope with bullying. Millions of dollars are being requested for anti- bullying campaigns targeting schools and homes. The government created an e-smart program that some students have already used and thought it was beneficial. Encouraging social media is an informative means to get knowledge of bullying out to the public.The greatest contributor to all three disorders was social bullying. Ms. Gunter, a PhD student said,'' bullied children tended not to complain believing they attracted the abuse because of a fault within themselves.'' Ms. Gunter also states schools need to be more diligent in rooting out and punishing bullies, not condoning criminal behavior on school ground. Professor Michael Carr-Greg states there should be intervention in schools and the community, and needs to work with the populaces who believe that bullying is a joke and do not take it very serious. One and all can be affected by bullying regardless of age, race, sexual identity, creed, religion, or lack of religion. Whether a bully, the victim, or family of a bully it can result in everyone having an issue. There are somewho say there are no victims in bullying. However, there are victims of bullying nationwide that are heavily influenced as a result.There are numerous effects that kids have every day in regards to bullying.There are numerous effects that kids have every day in regards to bullying.Some signs of bullying to look for in children could be destroying of property, faking illness, difficulty sleeping, or even decreased self-esteem.Bullies can be any age andis mean that can affect people, especially sensitive people. It can be as subtle as snide or smart remarks. Some bullies pick on others out of their own insecurity and/or immaturity. People who stand up for what they believe in and who do the right thing with integrity can also get bullied.There is no law againstbeing a bully, but some schools are working on implementing policies to address the issue. However, a bully may get punishment only if they are caught, and consequences could be minor. Bullying can be understood in many different ways whether to frighten, hurt, threaten, insult, or by physical force. Majority of the time the victim is a smaller or weaker person that may get picked on. Today a lot of pe