Some might think that there isnt a difference between the country and the city, but there is. In the country you get that small town feel and you can see basically everything just with one glance, unlike a city where there is so many different characteristics about it. People grow up sometimes in both of these of in only one and grow up not knowing the difference between the two. I think everyone should live in both some point in their life so they can get the right feel of life. Everyone has there own point of view on the two and they all have either lived in one or the other. I base my preference on the fact that big cities are more convenient and more chances to experiences culture events and entertainments than small towns. In my opinion the big city is better than the country. The city has a ot more opportunities than the country does in many different ways. When living in the city you are within minutes of fast and outstanding medical care, with top of the line doctors. If you are hurt or injured the ambulance will be there in seconds to assist you. The educational systems are much better. The schooling systems teach at a more advanced level than the country does. The grading system is different and the teachers give you the grade you deserve. This prepares you more for college. In fact, famous universities and great colleges are located in big city’s. So when you choose to live in the city you have multiple chances to study further with the career you’re pursuing. While living in the city there are many job opportunities and a variety of things that you could do. There is many business’s such as Dallas there is many jobs in need and some opening up everyday. There are so many options for eating and shopping which makes the city more likeable also. In the country, the medical care is very poor. The nearest hospital is twenty five minutes away and they dont have alot on staff at the fire department. For instance, my mother