In The Chao Scenario, Bob Garfield depicts the collapse of the advertising era as we know it. The Chaos Scenario is an 11 chapter, 294 page reality novel informing the reader of how the advertising business eats, sleeps and works. As Bob Garfield reaches out to everyone, companies of all sizes could really benefit from Garfield's expert knowledge for satisfying the consumer and the online community. Being an avid online critic for over 25 years, is Bob Garfield a man who has plotted the points to the fall of advertising, or just a ranting online critic? The Chaos Scenario taps the reader into the underlying secrets of the online advertising world. The internet is shown as a place where anyone with access can completely demise a company's entire reputation via blogging or boost a company's revenue via YouTube video. Bob Garfield informs the reader how the internet has completely reformed modern day advertising and how it is leading it us to the "post advertising age. Garfield reveals to the reader how major businesses, such as Comcast, have been affected from what he likes to call "Listenomics, which Garfield refers back too many times throughout the novel. In the novels introduction, The Art and Science of Listenomics, Bob Garfield dips his toes into all of the major topics he elaborates on throughout the book. While reading the introduction I was getting anxious to start reading all chapters because of the way he lures the reader into each topic with his straight forward, non-political approach. Garfield describes his coined term, Listenomics as, "the art and science of cultivating relationships with individuals in a connected, increasingly open-source environment (p.15). This term, created by Garfield, was the original title of the novel before later being changed to the books current title. The Chaos Scenario is a clever well suited title with an attractive book cover, making it very intriguing to read. Although after reading the Afterword: The Untold True Story of The Chaos Scenario, Garfield was considering many titles for this novel. Of all the titles listed, The Death of Pluto is the title that I personally would have chosen. Pluto as we all know, was a planet established in our solar system until a few years ago when modern day science discredited the planet, removing it from our history. The subjects of "old advertising to "post age advertising are easy correlated with the birth and death of the planet Pluto from new technology. After going online to the website given by Garfield in the novel, I looked at the possible covers for The Chaos Scenario and must agree that this is the perfect design for this book. It is simple, not over done and gives the user a peek into what lies ahead. The Chaos Scenario included only one illustration throughout the novel, which was his computer application created Simpsons character. If Garfield used more illustrations, it would help to clear up the confusing computer concepts that may not be familiar to everyday computer users and give the reader more comfort with the topics. An example is when Garfield explains the advertising Widget. A cropped screenshot of a Widget would help visualize what the advertising companies were trying to achieve and help seed a visual when referred later to in