
Living in the Digital Aage

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Since the beginning of human civilization, communication has been a crucial thing for every person who has ever lived. Needs, ideas, warnings, and knowledge, wouldn't have evolved if it wasn't for the ability to write them down and communicate. Primitive people used some ways to communicate, which are considered "weird  these days. They used smoke, birds, different sounds, etc., to give others a message. Centuries later, there were particular people whose jobs were to travel along the country, or even continent, just to deliver the message. Mail deliverers are messengers of the modern era. News of all kinds started to be published on paper; they were copied into thousands of copies, and they were spread everywhere, but the majority of random citizens at that time, couldn't read or write, making letters ineffective, except for the noble and the rich. The discovery of electricity marked the great revolution of communication. Instead of waiting weeks for a letter to arrive, you could pick up the phone, dial a number of the person you want to send the message to, and talk to them in real time. Finally, everyone knew what was happening on the other side of their country, and no one felt left out anymore. TV and Radio were, and still are, some of the most used ways to send a message. Seeing a person talking on a TV screen was still unbelievable at first, but a few years later, the first Computer had been invented, surprising people even more. In the beginning, the main role of the computer, was to help the military detect and defeat their enemies, which could only happen with the help of the Radar “ another great invention, that uses Electromagnetic rays to spot an object in a far distance. Years later, the first Personal Computer was introduced. Now everyone could have a computer of their will at home, but the first PCs weren't as powerful and useful as they are today. People used computers, mainly for text editing, and printing. The in

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