When you talk on the phone or video chat with a friend, do you think you’re in private? If you think you’re talking with secrecy you are wrong. In our modern society you can’t do much electronically without the N.S.A. (National Security Agency) watching everything you say or do. Our privacy has been taken away. The NSA is a U.S. intelligence agency responsible for providing the United States government with encrypted communications and the reading of encrypted communications of other nations. The NSA is tasked with the global monitoring, collection, decoding, translation and analysis of information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes, including surveillance of targeted individuals in U.S. territory. The presence of the NSA is great which is why your privacy has been taken away, but what is privacy, and why do we need it? The NSA has been on the verge of breaking the law and some laws have been broken. Although the biggest question is why has the NSA taken away our basic right of privacy? What is privacy? Privacy is the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people. Although with new regulation of the N.S.A any calls out of country must be supervised by the N.S.A. due to possible terrorism. The biggest reason the NSA has taken away our privacy is because of the events of 9/11. 9/11 showed the NSA the true threat of terrorism and how any citizen, native or foreign, can pull off horrific acts. American citizens need privacy because its the only way for an American citizen to feel truly free. “Land of the free...” Because of the NSA, that statement no longer applies to an average American citizen. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on. Most of the social media that Americans post personal information and images on make the NSA’s job easier. NSA has been granted clearance to read every post, every private chat and every instant message that an American posts on