
My Family and Thanksgiving

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Indeed, it’s that time of year again when our family thoughts have turned to Thanksgiving and all the traditions that we have accumulated over the years passed down from one generation to another. Although my sister and I were constantly reminded that every day is a day of gratefulness, we were also taught this particular wonderful holiday brings all family members from near and far together under the same roof to give voice to God’s mercy and grace for what we have received. Most importantly, for me, Thanksgiving symbolizes a time of sharing, fellowship, and communion where we break bread in the same manner as Christ had done with his disciples. We show our love and appreciation for family and extended family because our family bond is the anchor to which we hold on to during times of great stress and troubles. Perhaps, this is why so many people head home for this specific holiday above all others because it is a time to find comfort and joy in the family ties that bind our hearts together as one. Traditions give us a sense of belonging to something sacred and special and for this reason; I am always excited about what happens in my family home on Thanksgiving. However, I also know how much work is involved to making sure that our gathering is as my Mother puts it, “A good time was had by all.” For many years, my Aunt Ginnie (my Grandfather’s sister) was the one who always hosted Thanksgiving dinner at her home until her health gradually began to fail. Eventually, her daughter, my Aunt Lottie took over the responsibility. Once my Grandfather moved here from Virginia, he felt that my parent’s home was more suitable for such a large gathering of family members. As a result, my parents assumed this honor most certainly to please my Grandfather who now served as the eldest male in our family and of course, no one ever denied his requests when it came to family matters. Although he died 6 years ago, they continue to respect his wishes. So, for my paren

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