Daily, people are overwhelmed with advertising whether through watching television, listening to radio, driving on the bus, or even while driving through town in their car. Advertising is everywhere. Advertisers use a lot of different ways such as various communication media, promotion policies, and direct personal approaches toward customers to prey on the consumer for their money, often at the expense of consumers. By using communication media, advertisers connect to their target consumers. People everywhere view communication media. Just imagine how many people watch television every day, or how many people access the Internet each second in the world. Although ads are ubiquitous, each specific ad is different in its own way. Also, the way advertiser delivers them and meaning of the messages varies. One common message that had a profoundly negative effect is one that covers the common conception of beauty. Our modern idea of beauty has been unfortunately shaped by models, who “are extremely tall, thin, and have often had several cosmetic surgeries” ( Moak 61). Models are often both airbrushed in person and edited in their photos. These photos are often distorted in order to fix all imperfections and brighten the image. Moak writes, “ Airbushed and cropped pictures are rapidly produced and slapped on anything producers can get their hands on in order to sell, well, everything!” (61). In constant view, these images affect all of us. However, the power and negative effects are especially evident among teenage girls, who are often still struggling with their new adult-identities and their self-esteem. Thinking that products will enhance their beauty, teenage girls use many products in hopes to become beautiful as false and unrealistic images that surround them. In this process trying to make themselves like these images, these adolescent girls are often harmed. Moak claims, “ approximately 306,000 adolescent girls undergo plastic surgery each year” (61). Describing more effects, she continues, “ but also their self-image is declining and thus resulting in eating disorders such as anorexia (self-starvation), and bulimia (binging and purging)” (62). Seeking profit, advertisers are the source of ma