Throughout the semester we have covered many terms and theories that can be applied in our everyday life and this paper will cover how they can be applied to my life and the situations that revolve around it. A social group can be defined as two or more people who identify with and interact with one another (Macionis, 2013). This term can be applied to my life because I am part several social groups and some of these groups include my family, the group of friends I interact with, and the neighborhood in which I live in. Social groups involve two kinds of groups and these include primary groups and secondary groups. Primary groups are small social groups whose members share personal and lasting relationships(Macionis, 2013). An example in my life that demonstrates this group is my close friends from high school because I share certain subjects with them then I wouldn’t with another social group and the fact that we all have strong relationships with one another because of knowing each other for quite some time. A secondary group is much different than primary groups because it consists of a large and impersonal social group whose members pursue and certain goal or activity(Macionis, 2013). A secondary group that I belong to is being in a class with a large amount of people because most of the people in those classes deal with students that I don’t have strong relationships with and won’t see them regularly after the semester ends. In terms of leadership roles within groups there are two kinds which are Instrumental and Expressive Leadership. Instrumental Leadership refers to group leadership that focuses on the completion of tasks(Macionis, 2013). This role of leadership I am familiar with due to fact that I was a captain for volleyball in high school and because of this I was responsible for making game plans on the floor as well as being the person to look to, to give orders on the court as well as getting the job done which was to get the team a win. Expressive Leadership on the other hand is much different because it requires group leadership that focuses on the group’s well-being(Macionis, 2013). An example in my life of this leadership is my dad when I worked for him for landscaping. He focused more on teaching me how to do the job properly and was building more of a relationship to provide a more positive morale towards the job because he wasn’t focused on getting the job done by a specific time. A reference group is defined as a social group that serves as a point of reference in making evaluations and decisions(Macionis, 2013). This can be applied to my life because when I was going to work for Abercrombie and Fitch and I was not told what to wear and I used the employees that worked there as a reference group as of what to wear and was able to go into work with the proper work attire to make a good impression. When looking at other groups there were two more I came across and they were in-groups and out-groups. In-groups are social groups toward which a member fells respect and loyalty(Macionis, 2013). An out-group is the opposite because it is defined as a social group toward which a person feels a sense of competition or opposition(Macionis, 2013). I was part of an in-group with my volleyball team because I was a captain and teammates respected me and they were loyal because we were a team. An out-group would be the opposing teams we faced because we felt a sense of competition whenever we played those opposing teams. Organizational Environment deals with factors outside an organization that effect its operation(Macionis, 2013). When I worked landscaping in the summer and still currently due there were factors that effected the operations. These factors included other organizations that were working in the area, the available workforce which wasn’t a lot, and at the time some people weren’t interested in having their homes re-landscaped so that hindered us economically. Participant Observation is a research method in which investigators systematically observe people while joining them in their routine activities(Macionis, 2013). For my cultural anthropology class I did a participant observation of sports teams at Clarkson and how they interact with one another. I was able to find out that certain sports teams hang out with one another because each team has a different perspective of one another and if the teams are familiar with each other and are friends then they are more likely to hang out. Culture Shock is defined as personal disorientation when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life(Macionis, 2013). A culture shock for me was when I visited my close friend’s home and his family was Arab. Their household was much different because they only spoke Arabic and for me I had no idea what was going on and was shocked to be in a household were no one really spoke English besides my friend. Cultural Transmission is the process by which one generation passes culture to the next