Class discrimination is a big issue in our society. We have learned how to regulate racial, sex, and age conflicts. We have published "Equal opportunity employment act, which provides the same conditions for all workers. We have established "No child left behind program that allows all kids regardless of their race and origin to gain adequate education. However, at the same time, we cannot control the hatred of people who dislike each other based on their class. Discrimination between classes happen on a household level as well as all other: at work, during education, while visiting restaurants and movie theaters. People from lower classes will not be admitted to a high scale restaurant or will be discriminated against getting a job or improving their living conditions. Often, money is not the reason for these differences but rather prejudices are the cause for such discriminative behavior. Critics of classism try to argue that class discrimination doesn't exist. They say that people acquire their habits and manners from the environment came from. Albeit social class defines how people eat, perceive art, and up bring children, criticizers of the discrimination say that people do not want and know how to change their lifestyle. As Southern Poverty Law Center illustrates, there are too many cases when children are not allowed to enter school just because they are poor or their cultural background is somewhat different than of the majority of school staff. In April 2014, "Fort Payne school officials have stood in the way of many kids just because they were born in Mexico, said Caren Short, SPLC staff attorney. "These discriminatory practices have already costed our clients' valuable class time. It must stop. Ruby Payne, the founder of aha! Process, believes that there is a widespread misunderstanding among the classes ” and more than ever, she says, the class that bears the cost of that misunderstanding is the