Words of wisdom help the children as well as their father gain a better understanding of others. In Harper Lee's, To Kill A Mockingbird, Atticus has three important lessons that he teaches to his children, Jem and Scout, bring about a positive change into the story. They learn that prejudice is a destructive force, because it is extensive, as they have more wisdom. Because of Atticus, they now know that the importance of personal courage shows bravery through one's actions. Since Atticus and Jem evoke Scout on a daily basis, she learns that putting yourself in someone else's shoes provides empathy. Therefore, even though there are negative influences, Atticus' lessons help children and himself mold into mature and wise individuals in their community. Prejudice is a vicious influence because it is invasive. Due to rumours, a person will misunderstand someone when they spread rumours in regards towards them without knowing who they really are; "Scout...you never really understand a person until you consider things from their point of view (Lee 34). The children view Boo Radley as a monster in the beginning of the book, but as it progresses and the children mature, they realize that Boo is a person like everyone else. In addition, prejudice doesn't only come from social class, but also in economic status. By treating people differently because of the way they live, people abandon the person with complete disrespect due to prejudice; "She was sad, I thought, as what Jem called a mixed child: white people wouldn't have anything to do with her because she lived among pigs... (194). Mayella Ewell is an example of a woman suffering from economic prejudice; she has no friends because she is too poor to be among the white people and she cannot be among the Negroes. Scout realizes that Mayella is a victim of prejudice because of her father not taking care of the family, due to his drinking addiction. Furthermore, prejudice economic wise tries to determine one's lifestyle but prejudice in racism determines how a person reacts to someone due to the colour of their skin. Prejudging someone by the colour of their skin shows how people mistreat others who are not of the same race and mi