Since The Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade made abortions legal in 1973, almost 55 million innocent children have been brutally murdered in America. Every day in this nation, nearly 4,000 babies are killed. In America abortion laws are different for each state. In Louisiana abortion is completely legal, except during the third trimester of pregnancy and in partial birth abortion cases. In many other states however, like California, there are no restrictions on abortion. When deciding their stand on abortion, most Americans get caught up in the rights of the mother and completely forget about the child. In every single abortion case, the child is brutally murdered and the mother left scared from killing her own child. No matter the circumstances there is no way to validate abortions. Abortion should not be legal because it denies unborn children the right to live and viciously kills an innocent child. People who are prochoice (those who are for abortions) tend to believe that the fetus is not a child. If a fetus is not a child, what is it then? Every fetus is in his/her mothers womb to grow and develop to the point where the human race considers it a baby. All fetuses are children and human beings, so they deserve the same rights that all people have. Each stage of maturity before babies are born are named as a zygote (first week life), an embryo (second to eighth week of development), and then a fetus (the ninth week until birth). After a child is born, it is classified as a baby, a toddler, a child, a teenager, an adult, and then a senior citizen. The one thing that all of these groups have in common is they are all living people. Every single group is made up of human beings. The Declaration of Independence clearly states all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness (US Declaration of Independence). Therefore, since the