
College and Success

21 Pages 700 Words 1557 Views

Is college what brings success to one’s life? Or can success be achieved without it. College is no longer an option; it is a necessity in the society we live in. This world pushes us to go and achieve a college degree and become an expert in one specific skill. But college is now becoming a hassle to pay for because tuition fees are increasing. But there are people who are surviving and thriving in this world and have not gone to college at all. Success to others can range in a plethora of different ways. Students look to success as having an efficacious college education and earning 6 figures right off the boat. But that boat doesn’t run on diesel, it runs on money, a lot of money. In order to get a ticket to that boat students go to the end of the world, may it be getting a loan, or working jobs and saving up. But the human desire to achieve something puts the workload aside because the goal wants to be achieved. Students, parents, or any human wants to live comfortably and thrive in this world, no one likes to burden him or herself. Kids are told at a young age that the better they do in school reflect how much scholarship money they will receive. In the New York Times article titled What Drives Success? Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld state, “Asian-American students reported the lowest self-esteem of any racial group, even as they racked up the highest grades.” This is because children are told that if they don’t achieve a good college degree they will not be successful. In this society people that have a college education are more likely to be successful in their life. Success would be defined as living a comfortable life without having financial worries. People live for financial security because there are so many individuals that are jobless in a society filled with people that have at least a college education. Without college many people settle for minimum waged jobs are multiple minimum waged jobs to ensure they have foo

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