The best Physiological experiments ask timeless questions about human nature such as, what makes a person evil? Or can a good person commit evil acts? And if so what pushes them over that line? The well-known Stanford Prison experiment is a perfect demonstration of power in the situation. In Early 2004 overseas in Iraq, Abu Ghraib prison ran by United States military personal was used for detention purposes by both the U.S.-led coalition occupying Iraq and the Iraqi government. Prisoners there were victims of some of the most horrendous physical, physiological, torture, and abuse ever to be documented. The world was outraged with disgust and anger but many people argued that the military enforcers were just a bunch of bad apples. Many people except Philip Zimbardo who has been through this before, argues that it isn’t the apples that are bad but tree that feeds the apples. Zimbardo came to the conclusion that good people can do bad things given the circumstances and the system. It was 1971 when Zimbardo arranged to have twenty students arrested by real police officers who were selected to play out the role of a prisoner. These students were then brought to a mock prison that was set up in a basement building at Stanford University where eleven other students who were playing the role of a guard were waiting for them. To entice these participants each student was paid fifteen dollars a day just to play the role. Philip Zimbardo specifically chose students with a moderate demeanor who had no past criminal history record and were representative of their peers. Zimbardo explained to the students that the purpose of the experiment was see how students would react in the social roles of playing either prisoners or guards. By the first day the guards jumped into the roles of abusive prisoner guards while the prisoners jumped into the submissive prisoners. Beforehand the guards were instructed that there should be no physical violence what