We all encounter challenges and obstacles in our lives. Some of us deny it and give up whereas some of us try and face it. In the fictional text “God is not a fish Inspector” (W.D Valgardson “God is not a fish Inspector”), Fusi, who is the protagonist, tries to face the obstacles he encounters. He is a 70 years old man who is troubled by ageing and has very less strength. Fusi is very passionate about fishing but his license got taken away from him by the fish inspectors because of his age. So he does illegal fishing and he makes it his life mission. His intension is to outsmart the fish inspectors. He knows that if he gives up because of his old age, others are going to think he is weak and he is going to end up in the old folk’s home. And he doesnot want this to happen because he wants complete control over his life. A man like Fusi who lives with dignity and pride is affected by the challenges which he is forced overcome in order to survive the lifestyle he wishes. Ageing is inevitable. We cannot escape from this reality. Fusi, who is troubled by ageing, encounters many obstacles. One is being not having much physical strength. He displays this when he is rowing the boat and his body is described as a “cumbersome body” (W.D. Valgardson 83). This describes him as weak and fragile. He experiences pain along the process because his body doesn’t have the strength and endurance as it used to. Even though he experiences the extreme pain in his body, he tries his best to overcome it. I myself have been in the same situation and have experienced similar physical challenge. I once was in a treadmill and my target was to run for 30 minutes. I was already tired at about half way through but I was determined to run for my 30 minute target. So I did. I overcame the pain and struggle and I was successful. Ageing being Fusi’s obstacle affected him physically and mentally and he had to overcome this obstacle to reach his goals. H