How to raise a child is an issue, which has been debated for years and probably will for many more. We have all been raised differently, and most parents think the way they raised or are raising their children are the best. In this article Amy Chua tells us about the way Chinese mothers prepare their children for success during their upbringing. "Why Chinese Mothers are Superior," was brought on January 8th in 2011. The name itself calls for a lot of attention because the article was brought in "The Wall Street Journal which is only published in the western countries. Therefore you can assume that the title causes uproar between western parents. The writer Amy Chua is Chinese; she is a professor at Yale Law School and was raised to be the best in every class except for gym and drama. Chua uses the term "Chinese Mothers quite loosely. She knows parents from other countries raising their children the Chinese way and Chinese parents raising their children more loose. Amy Chua uses provocation and irony to draw in the reader; just by naming the article something, which questions the western readers parenting. The list she has created in the top shows us the irony. Once she has drawn in the reader she engages the reader further by getting creditability by using herself as an example. She appeals to us by using ethos for example by her professor post at Yale Law School and her also language implies that she is educated and cultural, which we find trustworthy. She is also reliable because she has gained first hand experience with both methods of parenting because her husband is a westerner and she herself is Chinese. She applies logos by backing up her arguments with surveys and statistics. By doing that she can base her opinion scientifically and therefore her opinion seems "waterproof and shows us that her method is working. Chua's definition of Chinese upbringing is pacing your child to be the absolute best in every thing. Chu