Globalization seems to be a misty debate in which people depending of their culture, traditions and even their region, think that is good while other think that It can damage to nations as well as national unity feelings. Due to development and boarder's opening, now people keep on borrowing the evolution of other culture and languages (As regards the increasing of Hispanics within the USA, and the increasing of the « spanglish » phenomenon). Globalization implies the opening of national and international perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent world with free transfer of capital, goods, and services across national boarders whereas nowadays several people questions about ethical issues of this globalization. Actually, some contemporary, reveals that globalization favor northern counties which aim at putting in margin others, where from the creation of the word « economical weapon » promoted by few brains during those last few decades. During my research I interviewed, Africans, Frenchs and Americans students who all think differently because of their faith, regions or cultures. Among them several think that Globalization can be an effective way to share and exchange and it's particularly due to the appearance of new technologies which share images from other countries who will attract people for instance and principally American students. Since nowadays the boarders are between country exist only on maps, we can thus wonder how the globalization will be seen on few years. Nevertheless, African people think that globalization is more like a double edged sword, since their country didn't take the most from globalization because of their location often sea like a pirate place in which attack are common that's why their countries are more marginalized by other country which share goods and products. Besides, nowadays we can note the increasing of protest movement like the « Anti-G