A man I have been waiting for my whole life and that has turned out to be everything I dreamed he would be and more. As a child I dreamed of my future husband, as a teen ager I longed to meet him, and my wish came true we met August 16 2012. This man is a true hero, not just my hero though. He began in the fire department at the age of 17, and since his goals have ever grown. My husband, Nalon, came from a rough child hood. Where most children have good childhood memories his came from a broken environment a divorce and much more. Nalon met his dad at the age of three and that is when his dad decided to be a part of his life. His dad began to take him to church where Nalon met role model men who changed his life forever, one of which was named Don Kimmer. Don Kimmer served in the Navy for a full career and suffers from many back injuries, yet he still took time to take Nalon hunting on his property where he shot his first deer. His dream of being a marine began at a young age; he wanted to defend his country like his role models had. I have never met a person so forgiving; Nalon has taught me how to forgive completely but also to love the person who has hurt me. Nalon had to forgive his mom for abandoning him when given the choice in court to choose her son or the abusive boyfriend, she chose the boyfriend. His dad, who put him in church, saved him from that environment and he will forever address him as his hero. Now joining the marines in March 13 of 2013 he wanted to give back to his dad, family, and friends for being his hero. Even now he will at least call, if not go see his mom every weekend he comes home and prays for her boyfriend. This past summer Nalon and I went to Carowinds and quickly after there was a horrible storm that arrived. The rain was coming down in waves as the lightning struck the poles around us, I was terrified. I was running through the rain frantically, but Nalon calmed me down as the rain ceased. I still