
The Real Meaning of Friendship

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What is friendship? Ray Pahl points out that, “Friendship may be seen as an increasingly important form of social glue in contemporary society” (1). Friendship is many things to different people. I think friends are the family members we get to choose. To me, a “true” friend is someone you can be honest with, that is loyal, caring, and is always there for you through thick and thin. “It demands time and effort, and it requires that people put someone other than themselves first sometimes” as Molly Edmonds points out ( That means friendship is a two way street. What you expect from someone else, you should be prepared to return that to the other person. There are several classifications of friends. One would be best friends. These are the ones that know you very well, and they are the first person you call when you're excited, hurt, or just want to talk. Best friends can often feel like family because they are there for you during the most important moments in your life. Another would be the good friend. A good friend is someone you would consider part of your inner circle. These are the ones that know the most about your life, and have likely been through a few ups and downs with you. Aacquaintances are another group. They are the ones you know in passing; you may see and interact with these people on occasion or on a regular basis, but they are not someone you would consider an actual friend. Then there is the online friend. They are usually someone you have never met in real life. Sometimes it is someone you accept a friend request from because of a game you play on Facebook. This person could also be someone you meet in a chat room. Regardless, these people you usually know nothing about but share common interests. According to the Encarta Dictionary, “Friendship?is a?noun that means a relationship between two or more people who are friends. It also means the mutual feelings of tr

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