Abstract The group report is going to discuss differences between Maslow's hierarchy of needs and the Hersey Blanchard theory. In the beginning, the introduction will offer a history and background of these two theories. This group report also includes methodology, literary review, findings, recommendation & conclusion. Through the group report, the readers will deeply understand that the Maslows theory only can be used in the certain context, and the Hersey Blanchards theory can be used in changeable situations. Moreover, the reader will be also introduced some successful applications by these two theories. Introduction Maslow (1943) was an American psychologist. He had explained that human can be motivated to satisfy the certain needs, this theory has five components within a pyramid which are described as physiological needs, safety needs, love, esteem needs and self-actualization needs. Managers apply Maslow's theory to determine different needs of their workers and help them to fulfill these needs, whether it's by giving them an easy project, a fancy job title or flexible working arrangements, so they can satisfy their needs outside the workplace. (Mcleod, 2007) Hersey and Blanchard worked on situational leadership model in 1970. The module requires managers should use their theory and to consider how willing the workers are going to do the tasks. They have decided that managers and leaders of the companies can use one of 4 leadership styles: Telling, Selling, Participating, Delegating. Their situational model is generally used in business area; the senior management of human resource and talent management know this model and use it in coaching. (Emmerson, 2014) This report will concentrate on the similarities and differences between Maslows theory and Hersey Blanchards situational leadership module. Literary review Pradio (2011) evaluated the importance of Abraham Maslows theory in project. He gave the argument that business project cannot be successfully achieved only by endeavor and skills of project team, but also need to use Maslows motivation to build good working environment. On the other hand, Yong (2012) researched limitations of Maslows: the theory lacks of motivation on stage 4 and 5, and lacks of fairness that the best effort could be p