Friends and family play an important part in our lives and make us who we are today. One of the biggest influences in our lives can be our own family. If I had to pick one person who has had the greatest impact in my life it would be without a doubt, the woman who had me. She’s taught me everything I know, she taught me how to eat right and dress myself, to how to react to any situation. She taught me little things like how to tie my shoes and to be polite and respectful to adults. I would be lost without her, I can trust her, and she’s very important to me. Here’s why, first of all, she listens to me. When I have no one else to talk to and I’m going through stuff she’s always there, she’s always been here for me. She’s my security blanket. No matter how bad of a day she had, she will always be there to listen to me. I talk to her about everything, even things that aren’t always easy to talk about. I know that whatever I tell my mom she’ll understand, and that she won’t go letting other people know, she might get upset about it at first but she’ll comprehend. No matter the amount of times you screw up, your parents will always learn to forgive you and are always going to love you the same way. That’s something I’ve had to learn the hard way, but my parents were always there Even when she’s had a bad day at work and things aren’t going her way she still somehow finds the time to sit down and talk to myself and my brother, she always makes time for us. She puts up with my mood swings, my constant chatter, nonstop requests, and still manages to keep our home, and everyone in it, in order. She always manages a way to calm me down when no one else can. Whenever something becomes too much for me to handle on my own, she’s always there helping me through it and making up a game plan. She always seems to have the answer to my problems. No matter what the situation is she always makes me feel better. And she does