The norm I decided to violate was to walk down the street bare foot. This is something you don’t frequently see unless the person is homeless or not in the right state of mind. Everyone wears some type of foot wear to go out, whether it’s to show off their new shoes or just to keep their feet protected. So basically, what I did was walk down the street from my house and back without wearing any type of foot wear. According to the text book, Everyday Sociology, norms are the rules of society that prescribe how its members are to behave in given situations (1). From day one everyone is conditioned to live their lives a certain way to avoid any type of disorder. The norm that is being used to avoid any disorder within everyone are laws. Laws are what maintains most of the population in a clean structure. An example of breaking the law would be to commit murder. Taboos are norms that are part of the forbidden. Something’s that are considered a taboo is incest and cannibalism. They are things that go along side reinforced laws that should not be broken. The two main norms that exist are, mores which are strong beliefs of what is right and wrong, and the other is folkways. Folkways don’t have to be norms that have to do with breaking any laws. Folkways are norms that a person is not used to doing, it’s usually something out of the ordinary of your everyday life. For example, picking your nose in a public place in front of many people. Another example of a folkway is actually the norm that I decided to violate. The respond I got was exactly what I was expecting to get from people. Most people just stared, some didn’t pay any attention at all. They probably thought I was crazy or burned out. I had one person, a neighbor that lives down the street from me stop me as I was heading back home. She was actually concerned that I was outside bare foot. She told me I shouldn’t walk outside like that, I could have hurt myself if I would h