The growth of the American economy is due to many factors. The first being Big Buisness that brought about many big corportations; that provided mass employment to the American people. The second being Technological advances which brought about development in many industries and made them more efficent. Finally the third factor is Mass immigration, which brought with it a massive low paid workforce. Big buisness was a big factor in the growth in the American economy but mass immigration was the biggest factor. Big business brought with it entrepuners like J.D Rockefeller and Carneigie, they built up massive corporations know as Rockefeller standard oil company and Carneigie steel company. They created massive profits and mass employment and this mean’t bigger input into the economy prompting its growth. This mass employment although couldn’t of come with the small population of 62 million in the 1890 but instead these big buisnesses had a massive pool of low skilled, low pay workers. This low pay was a beneficial factor in the big profits that came with these big businesses. The big profits also meant these corporations can expand and create monoplies, this all linked manafacturing, rail roads and shipping to bring about more efficent industries which wouldn’t of been made available without technological advances. This showing us that infact big business wouldn’t of been possible without mass immigration or technological advances. That big buisness was instead a result of mass immigration that allowed these businesses to expand with the ever-increasing work force. Technological advances came with it the rapid development in many industries, making them more efficent like transatlantic steam ship companies. This promopted and made it easy for immigrants to get from Europe to America and led on Mass immigration. The technological advances also allowed America increase its development in steel ploughs, refrigirated ships and and