
Season's Greetings by David Sedavis

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In the short story by David Sedavis called "Season's Greetings , a woman named Jocelyn is being charged with the murder of her own grandson. She tried to frame her husband's daughter from Vietnam, Khe Sahn, for the murder but it didn't work out. She's trying t convince her friends and family members that Khe Sahn is the real murderer by writing this Christmas letter. Jocelyn killed the baby because she had motive, opportunity, and there was evidence against her. Jocelyn had multiple motives for killing the baby. First, she has hated Khe Sahn ever since she arrived to their home from Vietnam. In the beginning of the story Jocelyn said, "Out of nowhere this land mine knocks upon our door and we are expected to recognize her as our daughter?  (Sedavis 80) Jocelyn feels like having Khe Sahn in her home is disrupting her life. She feels betrayed by her husband but instead of taking it out on him, she decides to take it all out on Khe Sahn. Jocelyn is a very judgmental person and criticizes every little thing Khe Sahn does. Once Khe Sahn arrived at her doorstep, Jocelyn said, "She's a very small person and I mistook her for a child, a child masquerading as a prostitute.  (Sedavis 79) Jocelyn shouldn't have thought that because nobody would ever dress their child as a prostitute for Halloween. She's only saying that so they people reading her letter can think poorly of Khe Sahn. Also, another reason Jocelyn would kill the baby is that she didn't really like Don either. After the baby was born, Jocelyn said, "We have all read the studies and understand that a drug-addicted baby faces a difficult, uphill battle in terms of living a normal life.  (Sedavis 84) Don isn't the one that is addicted to drugs, his parents are. She assumes that he's going to end up just like his parents without even giving him the benefit of the doubt. Jocelyn probably thinks that ending his life while he is still young would be best for him and everyone else.

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