
Teenage Boys and Crime

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I am writing this because I believe there are many issues in this world, especially for teenagers which affect the way they think of themselves, and their future! Every single person who has access to a newspaper of a TV or even a phone knows that the world has a very negative view on teenagers, especially teenage boys, why? Well that is what I am going to explore. Firstly “ They are judged on the way they look. Many teenagers' boys and girls walk around in tracksuits, or wearing hoodies or caps which cover their faces. I don't believe this makes them bad people, it is simply the clothes they are comfortable in. Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying every Teenager is innocent and despite how they look and what they wear have never done anything wrong, I know that people make mistakes but it is not because they wore a hoody or because they walked with a little bit of ˜swag' it is down to a number of other factors, either some of them or all of them mixed together creates them teenagers that we call ˜thugs' or ˜yobs' so let's go and have a look at these other factors. Second “ Bad parenting. Now not every person who has done something wrong has had a bad childhood or a great one, it is normally a downfall in their usual home routine, or just tension in their life which leads to them lashing out, or committing an offence but again sometimes these people are the ones who are great in school, have loads of friends and are well liked in their community they are not always the kids we go out of our way to avoid in fact they are very rarely them people, because of the fact we go out of our way to avoid them, they don't have the chance to earn themselves a place in the community and a place in our hearts, so how can they commit an offence that strikes right to the heart of a community, right into the heart of families if they have never been a part of that community, the offence would just get brushed off as another ˜problem child' trying to get attention. There was a case I read about that shocked me, and it's a mixture of either bad/unsure parenting or a well-liked teenager who snapped, this is what happened. The teenager in question was 15 years old at the time and was his parents own biological child, his 4 siblings were adopted. He was a well-liked boy and an honour student at his school so his mother trusted him to look after his young

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