The term "gay" refers to people who are homosexual and are attracted to people who are the same sex. At the beginning of the XXI century marriage between same sex people began to spread and the first countries to legalize this kind of marriage were Nederland (2000), United States of America (2003), and Canada (2005). Unfortunately, today seventeen more countries have made gay marriage legal. Each year the amount of gay people is increasing around the world. According to the Williams institute statistics today, in the United States of America alone there are about nine million gay, lesbian, homosexual and transmitted people (Gates, 2011). Gay couples each year adopt children and this is legal also. Gay couples should not be allowed to adopt children because of such reasons as bad education for future of child, discrimination toward adopted child at public places, and decreasing of population. Firstly, almost everybody was born and grew up in families that do not have mothers and fathers. When people say the word "Family what do people imagine first? Of course, they imagine a mother and father who love each other and their children, but parents who are of the same sex. Families of gay couples break all family values, traditions of their ancestors and our understanding about family because it is strange for child to live in this kind of family. Children of gay couples will know that their parents are not their biological parents. Nobody knows what will happen with children of gay couples in the future, it is possible that in the future they could become gay like their parents. Sometimes children of all ages are very cruel. At school children usually face public humiliation. Some of them were abused because they were overweight, some because they were not fashionable enough at school and some because they were too tall for their age. Their drawback becomes just between children. It is the fact that adopted children will become the ob