
Sucess of the Old Spice Commercial

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Isn't it a great thing if women are attracted to men by just their smell? Bad odors one's body releases may cause many embarrassing situations and lower a man's self-esteem especially around women. Fortunately, there are products that reduce and replace the bad body odors with more appealing smell. One of these products is called Old Spices, which has one of the most successful, and effective advertisement in the marketing for the past few years. Old spice commercial was rated as successful due to the effective elements it used like the psychological devices, technical effects, and the rhetorical appeal to convey the idea of their product; using Old Spice body wash will increases one's sexual attractiveness. One of the main psychological devices that the Old Spice commercial emphasis on is sexual appeal, which is granted to appeal to both men and women. A simple reason why sexual appeal is advantageous in such commercial is because it depends on the basic craving and biological instincts, as a result it works as great motivation factor. (Cited from ). The sexual content of the commercial not only divert both men's and women's attention, but also make the audiences remember the advertisement. Attracting women to the commercial is vital to the product, as the women will motivate their husbands to buy the Old Spice product. The Old Spice commercial uses technical effects that are essential to create such a successful advertisement. The commercial starts by a muscular man standing in the shower, then the scenes changes rapidly as the man holds tickets to the "thing you love , then changes to diamonds. All these items attracts the women's attention. The camera angle was fixed on the eyes of Isaiah Mustafa, which makes the audiences to focus only on the man who is talking. Also the commercial didn't use any music while the man was talking until the very end of the commercia

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