
You Wouldn't Want To Experience This

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Sophomore year. Those were my “rebellion” days. It started at the end of my freshman year in high school where I began socializing by attending kickbacks, parties, or any social events that I was invited to. Of course, it is where I met a lot of people who introduced me into a whole new world where smoking and drinking were involved. Don’t get me wrong; after all, I am a teenager. Every year, my high school would have a Sadie Hawkin’s Dance. As always, I did not have a date to the Sadie Hawkin’s Dance, because it is where the girl asks the guy out to be her date for the dance. It was impossible for me to get a date, because I never had the courage to ask a guy out to be my date. I was too shy and afraid to get rejected. To be safe, I never asked. This time, I chose to go to the dance with a couple of my guy friends who I’ve known for awhile. “Dude, ready for that dance tonight?” asked Jun. “Hell yeah! Who else is going with us?” I asked. “Um I think, it’s just you, Martin, Dan, and me. What’s up?” “Mmm nothing, just wondering! Don’t forget, 6:00pm” The dance was on a Saturday night from 7-11:00 pm. I told Jun to pick me up from my house at 6:00 pm, because I knew that they are always late no matter what. I was super excited about the dance that I started getting reading by 3:00 pm. I picked out my clothes, laid them down on my bed, and stared at them for a good 5 minutes. Finally, I jumped into the shower where I washed my hair twice, because I wanted it to smell nice. I blow dried my hair and then used the straightening iron to straighten my hair. I busted out my make-up kit and started applying them to my naked face. After hours of doing my hair and make-up, I barely had any time left to put on my clothes and shoes. (Honk Honk) “Gwyneth, hurry up!!!” yelled Dan. “Coming! 1 minute!” I replied. I grabbed my dance ticket, school ID, money, house key, and out through the door I went. As soon as I got into the car, I realized that I haven’t eaten a proper meal since 2:30 pm and it was already 6:15 pm when they came to pick me up. I didn’t mi

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