Everyone says a girls first love is her father, but not mine. A father is there to protect you, support you, and be everything you need him to be and unfortunately I did not have that. When I was younger I always thought I had done something wrong when my father didn't want to see me. All I wanted was for my dad to be my super hero, my confidant, best friend, and all he knew how to be was non existent. As a child I didn't know why my father didn't want to be around, but as I got older I soon understood. Being in a single parent home was normal for me at a young age and I really didn't know that two parents were supposed to be present until one day my mother brought it to my attention. She never spoke negatively about my father, because she knew one day I would understand and dictate how I felt about him based on my personal interactions with him. My mom has always played both roles meaning she was my mother and father. She cooked, cleaned, worked and took care of both my sister and I our whole lives, and as far as my father was concerned well he wasn't in the picture at all. All of the things I heard a father should be and what he should do I wondered why mine could never partake in things with me such as teaching me how to ride a bike, or making sure the boys at school wouldn't steal my crayons when I was a child. He just wasn't there and I blamed myself for it, until I got older and realized I wasn't the problem he was. At the age of twelve my father was somewhat present in my life, although he didn't know me as he should considering I was his daughter things were settling in. The very next month things turned for the worse. I got into an altercation with my father because I expressed to him that I was unhappy with him being absent in my early childhood and he went on a rampage. He started yelling at me, calling me out of my name, saying things that are unforgivable, and threatening me. I didn't understand how someone who was my own f