
Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire

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?Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire is an interesting, yet complicated novel to understand. The content itself is not hard to read, but many of the themes, points, and vocabulary are difficult to comprehend. I had to look up multiple words in the dictionary and reread many sentences to finally understand most of the book. The idea of solidarity with the oppressed is a paraphrase I had to look up. It was brought up multiple times throughout the book so it was helpful that I understood what I was reading. The book says that the oppressors must have solidarity, meaning unity or agreement of feeling or action, with the oppressed through giving up. Freire states, “Fighting at their side to transform the objective reality which has made them these ‘beings for another’’’ (p.49). I was also unaware of what the word praxis, a major term used in the book, meant at first. Praxis is to accept a practice or custom from a theory. As I started to better understand the language of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, I enjoyed the book more. The two terms that I did understand and learned more about throughout this book were the words humanization and dehumanization. Humanization is freedom, an essential aspect of humanity. It is absolutely necessary in order to live a happy sustainable life. Dehumanization is constraining or restricting freedom. It is “a distortion of the vocation of becoming more fully human” (p. 44). The most interesting notion in Pedagogy of the Oppressed was the banking concept, which was similar to my grade school experience. We the students are only at school to “receive, memorize, and repeat” (p. 72) and act as “deposits” (p.72) delivered by the teacher. After reading each example that Paulo Freire gave, it made me remember times when I was in school and I felt like my school was mirroring the “oppressive society” (p. 73). In my third grade class, I had a very strict teacher that loved the motto “sile

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