One evening, two years ago, my family got a call that we never thought we would ever receive. My dad answered his phone; it was my best friend; she said, “Daddy has been in a bad accident. Can y’all come to the hospital?” My dad didn’t even have time to answer her question; he hung up and we left immediately. The ride to the hospital was extremely quiet. All of us were scared. We didn’t know what was going to happen next. As we arrived to the hospital we found out more of what happened with the accident. Mr. Eddie, the one in the accident, was just leaving an office dinner. It was late and he had been drinking. He had almost made it home safely until he took a curve way too fast. His truck flipped. He was ejected from the truck and thrown into a field. About 30 minutes after this happened a guy drove by the accident scene and just so happened to stop and check things out. He found Mr. Eddie and called an ambulance. So then we just sat there in shock and wonder, “Will our dear friend be okay? Will we ever see him again?” Mr. Eddie was more than just a close friend to my family. He was a second dad and my dad’s best friend for over twenty years. They went to college together; they were in each others wedding; they got their first real job together and they were still working side-by-side as managers of the Georgia Port Authority in Savannah. Mr. Eddie and his whole family was our family too. We all attended special events together; we spent holidays together; we did everything as one big family. That’s just the way things were. So to hear the news of this terrible accident was heart breaking, and the horrid thought of losing Mr. Eddie terrified us all. After 30 days in a coma Mr. Eddie’s body began to slowly shut down. One by one each organ just stopped functioning; we felt his hands get cold then gradually his whole body felt like ice. It was December 24th, 2012, we lost a very close family-friend. We had all hope