
Socialization and Freedom

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Before one can truly compare and contrast socialization and freedom one must understand what both of these terms mean. Freedom is defined as "the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.  Socialization is "a continuing process whereby an individual acquires a personal identity and learns the norms, values, behavior, and social skills appropriate to his or her social position.  Freedom and Socialization are two ideas that greatly conflict with each other. Can a person have both freedom and socialization? Today, in society most people are pressured to fit in to a social norm and into what is socially acceptable, therefore they are in a way compromising their so called freedom. That being said it can't exactly be said that we live in a world without freedom, it's just a matter of how much freedom our society is "allowed" to have. The world used to be a place where anything out the ordinary was frowned upon by society. Whether it be the colour of your hair, the colour of your skin, your gender identity, or your sexual orientation. For many years anyone who was different was either chastised for their differences or was made to believe that they were wrong to look or feel that way. These beliefs ended up taking away ones freedom to truly express themselves and to express who they are. Over time many of these beliefs have changed or shifted, what was once socially unaccepted is now the norm. It isn't completely out of the ordinary to see someone with purple hair walking down the street, or to see a same sex couple holding hands in a park. Today's social norm is very different from the one fifty, twenty, even five to ten years ago. Everyday some behaviors and things are becoming more acceptable while others are becoming unacceptable. The way that one behaves in today's society is a lot different than fifty years ago, what is different is socially normal changes as the world changes. Even the way that someone may dress is changing. Ninety years ago it wouldn't have been "normal  for a young woman to wear a top that bared her belly button now that is very different. Almost everywhere one looks a young woman is showing some sort of mid drift revealing top. In the past one wo

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