Terence Fretheim is a world renowned theologian who researched the theme of creation in the Christian Bible. His work on the subject has made him the most prolific scholar in matters relating to creation. His book “God and World in the Old Testament” is his masterpiece on the theology of creation. In the book, Terence interprets biblical text bringing forth insights on how God relates to his creation. He vastly uses the Old Testament and Hebrew scriptures as his references in this text. Terence, in the book, identifies that the theology regarding creation is the foundation of the Old Testament. Furthermore, he also shows that creation is indispensable to Christians understanding of the salvation story and the redemption by Christ. Throughout the book, Terence urges the reader to look at the Scriptures with intent. Intent to find out that God is both the creator of the universe and also its redeemer. Terence helps the reader come to the realization that redemption was God’s master plan for his creation. Through redemption, God promises both the healing and fulfillment of his creation. He points out that God, through creation, formed genuine relationships with his creation. God is concerned about his creation and his plan to redeem it establishes this truth. Christians have the misconception that God is immutable and unaffected by his creation throughout the Old Testament. Throughout this text, Terence disapproves this misconception by laying out the relevant truths in the Scriptures. His definition of creation is broad, to say the least. He concedes that creation spans throughout history; “the beginning and the end of the world and the times in between” (p.5). He further identifies three interrelated points of reference of creation. Creation is first and foremost the originating creation illustrated in the first chapter of Genesis. In Genesis 2: 7, we witness God creating Adam the first human being . He uses dirt to create and form Adam illustrating that humans were created from an