Every day we judge people who lie, steal and even murder without first looking at the reason behind it, this includes soldiers, during times of war. Many of us were raised to expect other to act on what we believed are the right ethical and moral principles depending on our back ground, race, and culture. When speaking on a Military level, we expect them to act morally during a war, and take innocent people into consideration, before making and decisions that could affect them. The way a war is conducted and the arms a soldier uses during this time is an issue each soldier has to face according to his or hers ethical back grounds, which sometimes they have to avoid, in order to survive themselves. The utilitarianism theory is the idea of the choosing the best choice, when there is a choice to be made. It gives the greatest utility to teh greatest numbers of people, or what produces the maximum happiness for the maximums number of people. Something could be right according to a utilitarian even if it gets people killed, provided that it results in the maximum happiness for people as a whole. Even though the utilitarian approach might sound simple the reality is that it is often difficult to decide according to the approach because happiness cannot be measure. As Mills mentions in his article, “mankind have still much to learn about how various kinds of action affect the general happiness.” Many times the decisions made are not those that bring happiness to the maximum number of people, but are only made because it was believed to be the right choice at the moment. As the utilitarian theory states, is choice that produces the greatest happiness for the maximums number of people. One case when extreme force was used was President Truman ordered atomic bombs to be dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, knowing that many thousands of non-combatants would be killed, in order to save more lives by ending the war. This decision end