My favorite Bible verse would have to be Luke: 18:27: “Jesus replied, ‘What is impossible with men, is possible with God.’” When I think about this Bible verse, all I can say is “Whoa.” If you think about it, that is truly amazing. Absolutely nothing is impossible with God. It gives me so much hope in everything I do because you know that through Christ, I can do anything. My favorite Bible story is when Joseph’s brothers go to Egypt. Before they went, they treated Joseph horribly. They sent him away into slavery and then they told their father that Joseph had been killed. Joseph went to prison where he interpreted the Pharaoh’s dreams. Pharaoh then put Joseph in charge of his palace. Next, Joseph’s brothers arrived in Egypt one day to buy goods. Joseph recognized them but did not say anything. He told the people to give them as much food as the bags could hold. He also put a silver cup in their bag so that they would return. After they returned, Joseph told them who he was. I think this story is incredible because it didn't matter how badly Joseph’s brothers treated him, he still loved them and would do anything for them. I would probably do the same thing in Joseph’s case. I love my family with all of my heart and wouldn't be here without the love and support from them. I would like to thank my wonderful family for being there for me. I think that the story of Joseph and his brothers is like what God’s love for us is like. It doesn't matter what we do. We are still God’s children and he still loves us no matter what and will forgive our sins when we repent. Another Bible story I like is the one about the woman in the New Testament who was very sick. She had spent all of her money on doctors but her disease was unable to be cured. She had heard about Jesus and how he healed people. She tried to get to him but the crowd was too thick. She leaped and touched the edge of his cloak. All of a sudden, she was cured