
Government - Promoting Healthier Lifestyles

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In their articles, Radly Balko a policy analyst with the Cato Institute and Kelly Brownell a professor and chair of psychology at Yale University and Marion Nestle a professor in the Department of Nutrition at New York University, discuss obesity. In Balkos’ article, “Absolutely. Government has no Business Interfering with what You Eat” he believes that Americans should take responsibility for their own actions instead of having others pay for their unhealthy lifestyle. Balko uses more opinions than facts to back his claim. In Brownell and Nestles’ article “Not if Blaming the Victim is just an Excuse to let Industry off the Hook” states the government should try to control the food industry is doing when promoting unhealthy food because what the food industry promotes is affecting Americans. The authors, Brownell and Nestle, have a better argument against Balkos’ essay because he is very opinionated in his article and Brownell and Nestle are both professors and have degrees and knowledge to support their claim. In the author Balkos’ article he is very opinionated toward those who are overweight. He assumes that all people that are overweight are like that because they eat too much. Balko also believes that instead of putting the calorie labels on foods the government should intervene and try to advocate healthier lifestyles so that other Americans don’t have to pay for the consequences of others who aren’t maintaining a healthy lifestyle for themselves. We have a law that requires some Americans having to pay for other Americans medicine which Balko believes makes it harder for people who are obese to actually move forward to a healthier lifestyle because this law enables them to be the way they are because others are having to pay for medical bills. But Balko does not take into account that there are health issues that usually cause obesity. His claims also go against the topic of being against the government’s i

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