Throughout American history, African Americans have been seen as a lesser race when compared to other races. The negative stereotypes and biases are nearly endless when it comes to African Americans. This is the point that Brent Staples makes in his essay “Even Now There’s Risk in ‘Driving While Black’”. This overgeneralization of black people as an entire race has had some extremely negative effects on society as a whole. While this is a negative aspect of our society, Staples does fail to mention a few very important pieces of information in his original essay. I agree with his claim that these biases need to be wiped from American culture, but I do not believe that African American men are the only demographic that are subject to the behavior. Brent Staples goes into great detail about the trials and difficulties that African American men face on a daily basis throughout his essay. However, he fails to mention any other demographic of minority in this country. For example, he fails to talk about Asian Americans, Latinos, and so on. This is the biggest hole in his argument about racism in America. In his essay about race in this country, he failed to recognize the countless other races that make up this country. If he would have make at least a mention of these other, equally important demographics, his essay would have been a lot more complete. The challenges that African Americans, along with many other minorities already face are tremendous. The assumptions made against minorities have been around for so long that some people don’t realize that they are helping to add to them . For example, if a black man and a white man apply for the same job with the same qualifications, the white man will get the job. Princeton sociologist Deva Pager conducted research on this exact topic. She found that black men with the exact same qualifications and criminal convictions as white men were constantly turned down for their white cou