In the article "The Dead-End Kids," Michele Manges writes that part-time jobs today are not teaching teenagers any worthwhile skills or attitudes, but instead suggests that they prepare them for nothing. Manges believes that many young teens could get a part-time job that teaches them rudiments of a trade they could pursue later, not that long ago. Now she thinks a majority of the young workers are hustling around dead-end jobs that prepare them for nothing. She also points out that "the mindless and irrelevant part-time jobs open to teens in the near future will probably increase, while the better jobs continue to decline. I believe Manges point of view on teens with part-time jobs is inaccurate. I feel most teens with part-time jobs are gaining responsibility. Part-time jobs also provide teens with the experience of the working field and life long skills. Also, teens with part-time jobs have the potential to strive in school, and it can actually strengthen your GPA. Teens today that are employed in a part-time job are gaining more responsibilities rather than not learning anything. A majority of the jobs teens are employed in now, provide them with real life responsibilities, such as getting there on time and completing tasks when asked in a timely manner. For example a job teaches teens how to manage their money better. Along with money management, many teens have expenses like gas, car insurance, and phone bills to pay. Teens that are unemployed can get nervous about those expenses and this causes them to miss out on learning adult responsibility. Cairo Livingston is a senior at Hillside New Tech High School and says, "I'm learning time management too, I have to make sure that my work tasks are done each day. Many employed teens are getting a headstart on what the real world feels like. In addition to responsibility, teenage workers get the experience of working in the working field, and experiencing more mature situation