Reading comic books has become a common activity during our childhood. Indeed, we could have not missed "Doreamon series. Interestingly, Doreamon has an incredible ability to clone himself, which helps his close friend Nobita get rid of many troubles. However, "whether cloning is beneficial in the real life or not is still a question. Nowadays, since the birth of cloning technology, some cloned products are created. While some scientists are proud of such an impressive achievement, others have recognized its potential risks. In other words, cloning may have both good and bad effects. Cloning has two major good effects. The first outstanding one is that it can prevent sexually transmitted diseases from occurring. For instance, thanks to cloning, an offspring will not catch HIV/AIDS if he or she just receives gene from the one parent without infection. Consequently, for parents who have fatal diseases, the chance of having a healthy child is possible. Therefore, cloning is not simply copying an exact gene of some species, what it can do more than that is bringing about hope and happiness. The second benefit of cloning is that it can reduce world famine. Animals, an abundant food supply for human, are supposed to be major subjects of that great kind of biological technology. If a Dutch cow were raised in a tropical country like Vietnam, or Thailand, milk would be taken directly without any transference. For another example, the poverty as well as the hot and dried weather in Africa has put a lot of people living there under the big impact of famine. That severe living condition makes it hard for some kind of plants and animals to exist, which has led to the shortage of food. In this situation, cloning technology works. Hopefully, world famine will somewhat frizzle and go away. If the good side of cloning is six of one, the other may be half of a dozen. Scientifically, cloned animals tend to have "Large offspring syndrome , in whi