
Physical Education Class Summary

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I arrived at Winfield Elementary School in Winton at the time I was told that their after school program does physical education. When I went to meet the teacher for second grade she explained that we were going to be playing hopscotch. Hopscotch works on balance, body control, and rhythm among other skills. I did not expect for the activity to be hopscotch. When I think of physical education I think of team sports like soccer or kickball. I think that it was good for me to see this and learn more about the ways that hopscotch can benefit the students. The teacher, Miss Lacy started by having the children warm up. We started with some head rolls, arm stretches, shoulder shrugs, and torso twists. She then had the students stretch their legs while standing up. She also had them on one leg stretching their Quadriceps and working on maintaining their balance. After the students were gently stretched out she had them do some jumping jacks, high knees, and jumping in place. After all the warm ups and stretches Miss Lacy explained to the students how to play hopscotch. She showed them to toss the rock and skip the square the rock was in. This impressed some of the children. Then she made it to the end, hopped back to the beginning, picked up the rock and told them that next you toss the rock gently to the second square. She put two feet in one square and explained that her turn was over and gave the rock for me to try. I tossed the rock to the second square and hopped over it. I made it to the end turned around made it back to the rock, picked it up and hopped back to the beginning. Miss Lacy had me stop here and ask the students, "Where should Mr. R toss the rock next? Let me see quiet hands so I can pick someone". She then chose a quiet student. They said that I should toss the rock to the third square. Miss Lacy asked to see quiet hands again and asked "Who can tell me why Mr. R will toss the rock to the third square?" a child raised thei

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