Hackers are not only restricted to just the United States and have been found in every corner on the country where there computer technology is made available ( Britz, 2013). When it comes to Hacking computers can either be used as either the target of the crime or the instrument to commit the crime ( Britz, 2013). The primary motivation for these hackers to commit these types of crimes range anywhere from vendetta’s and or revenge, showing off their skills, jokes, hoaxes and pranks to terrorism and political and military espionage. There are actually six fundamental motivations for computer intrusions, or theft of information. The first being that the hacker is suffering from boredom, the second being that they are seeking an intellectual challenge, revenge to an old friend or even an old employer would be the third, economic being the fourth, this is mostly done by the criminal hackers, an individual seeking sexual gratification would be another motivation this usually involves stalking and or harassment of another, and lastly there is political motivation which is used mainly by terrorist groups as a motivation ( Britz, 2013). Phreaks (or phreakers) are usually the ones motivated by more the technical curiosity of the act ( Britz, 2013). “In the beginning the motivation for them was simply to break the system” ( Britz, 2013). The difference between Hackers and Crackers are that “hackers are individuals who recognize and exploit system vulnerabilities but who lack economic motivation” and crackers were originally known as criminal hackers and were the more sophisticated users who employed their knowledge for more personal gain ( Britz, 2013). Crackers, are individuals who target information such as proprietary data, or Credit card information which then may be used to further any other criminal activity ( Britz, 2013). Being called a hacker was once considered to be a great compliment to your technical abilities as well