Nowadays, divorce is omnipresent in our society. The divorce rate is increasing each day passing around the whole world.” Although it is sometimes tempting to think of divorce as an American phenomenon, divorce is in fact present in nearly all countries in the world and has been common in most tribal societies”(Clarke and lentando 117). In fact, increasing the divorce rate is the result from many huge reasons among which: lack of responsibility, communication and medical reason. On the other hand, impacts of this phenomenon are diverse in the social life. “If we really want to reduce the divorce rate, we need to find the causes of divorce and work on resolving them.” (Robbins, Michael A 95). An important part in lack of responsibility is the financial problems. Each family needs income to provide for their expenditures. Being unemployed for a long time will affect budget’s family. That will make tensions inside the family or the couple. The house supplies as food, clothes, children’s expenses and all the other expenditures, are the responsibility of the couples. In case of they couldn’t afford it that will put the family into financial problem and will show lack of responsibility from each partner. Furthermore, spending money in useless expends or non-necessary items could get the family in financial problems which it guide to the divorce. Regarding to the responsibility, the faithful in relation is one of the linking signs between the couple. Cheating is one of the causes which lead to lose partner’s confidence. Getting married in early age could be one of the main factors in cases of cheating. People who get married between the ages of 23-27 are more likely to stay together than people who get married in their teens (Panse, p5). The relation in the marriage is based on many communication links. The power of communication decline the possibility of divorce and it makes the age of marriage longer. Moreover, distance wi