For many, including myself, feminism brings many different time periods to mind. The feminists of the early 20th century, the feminists of the 60’s-80’s period, and the fight for economic equality and gender equality that have marked the feminists of today. These are all excellent examples of what it means to be a feminist. Generally, when someone hears the term feminist, a few things cross the average man’s thoughts. Many different adjectives that have been used (usually not in a flattering way) to label the fight for equal gender rights. Words or phrases like: unattractive, bra-burner, man-hater, or something along the lines of the idea that the feminist cannot find a man to marry. In most people’s education, there is very little amount of time spent on the history of women and how we got to this point in our society. For instance, every year the World Economic Forum releases a Global Gender Gap Report. The report uses data from 4 key areas: economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival, and poltical empowerment. They use this data (gained from various sources) to compile statistics with which they can determine which of the countries are giving women fair opportunity compared globally. In 2012, the United States ranked 17th out of the 135 countries that were included in the study. [Huf12] My feelings walking into the interview were mixed. Having done a lot of reading on feminism and historical figures who were themselves or worked with feminists.[Sch14] I was unsure about how a feminist today would present herself. I was really surprised that she even agreed to do the interview. I imagine that there aren’t a lot of feminists that would jump at the chance to be interviewed about their culture by a former Marine. At least, the scenario doesn’t sound conduscive to their typical adgenda. It was probably because she was a friend of my mother and probably felt obligated. I sat down and spoke with Anna (Anna asked that I not use her real name) and asked her a series of questions about what the current state of feminism is and how she is working to advance the woman position. I honestly wasn’t expecting to speak to someone so polite and actually informative. I assumed that I would be given a great amount of statistics about how men are trying to “keep women in their place”. This was not at all the case. The first thing that we discussed was the differences between the different feminist groups. First of all, I was entirely unaware that there were even different groups. Secondly, it didn’t occur to me that there were enough of them to have such varying group philosophies. It isn’t exactly something that really any popular media is talking about. The idea that there are multiple sects of the same essential movement toward progress for women. There are women who simply identify with feminism on its most basic level. They have more traditional views on politics and domestic relationships. They look to feminism as a philosophy that protects the interest of women. Most of the women in this category are not and have not been politically active. This is group “A”. The largest, and by far the most impactful group would be the women who identify themselves as feminists and are politically active. Anna, being a part of this category, had the most to say about this particular sect of feminism. For these women, feminism is not about taking anything away from the men in our society, more emphasis is placed on the advancement of the woman’s position in America and the world alike. We’ll call this group “B”. The third group which was described to me was the group that believes that women are superior to men and are also politically active. This philosophy is more of a radical sect of feminism and their beliefs and ideas often go unheard due to the nature and scale of the principles. They preach that men and women are not