Genocide is defined in the dictionary as “the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.” Over more than 10 million people have had their lives taken away as an effect of genocide, as well as millions of people, raped, tortured, and forced out of their homes. Many countries have been affected by and gone through genocide such as, Germany, Rwanda, Iraq, Cambodia, and Darfur. But have you ever learned anything about any of the situations in the countries named before, or who was affected by it. Although not a common crime, it seems to have been just another example of a cycle of war and killing. The Holocaust was a massacre killing of many people who weren’t approved by the Nazi officials. It was the systematic, bureaucratic, state sponsored killing of 6 million jews, 2 hundred thousand gypsies, and 2 hundred thousand mentally/physically challenged or hospitalized patients. It started with Adolf Hitler, a man who believed in an “Aryan” race, those with blonde hair and blue eyes. Hitler also did not like the Jews because “Jews were an inferior race, an alien threat to German racial purity and community.”(The Holocaust). Hitler gained control of Germany in 1934 after the president had died and Hitler claimed himself as the president, hence having the advantage to make his plan a reality. Anyone who was not approved as an Aryan was sent to concentration camps, a place where they were to work, live, and later die. The Nazi had many policies that they demanded citizens to follow, "By 1945, the germans and their collaborators killed nearly 2 out of every three European jew as part of the final "solution " the Nazi policy to murder the jews of europe." (The Holocaust ). Towards the end of World War II, inmates were moved from camp to camp by train, or a death march as they had called it. Allied troops began to travel across Europe, when they came into contact with such camps they had free’d the inmates. Soon after on May 7th, 1945 the German forces surrendered to the Allies, therefore stopping the Holocaust and removing Adolf Hitler from power. Just as the Civil War in America caused fighting between the north and south civilians, the civil war in Rwanda was between ethnic groups. Alike in many ways but different in others the north and south urged for power while the Hutus and Tutsis fought for freedom and acceptance from the government. However unlike the United States, in Rwanda, Reiff states; "The genocide of the Tutsis in 1994 claimed more lives more