
All the Went Wrong in Ferguson, Missouri

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What is your opinion on the issues and what happened in Ferguson? What happened was that an 18 year old African American was shot and killed by a white police officer in Ferguson Missouri; this lead to a huge uproar of activity in Ferguson and protests across Missouri. Is it racism? Did Michael Brown commit a crime? The article describes everything that happened on August 9th until August 21st when it was written. The controversial situation that is described in the article is a very heated debate in todays’ society, as well as, a big topic in morality today. Early afternoon on August 9th Michael Brown was killed by a white police officer identified as, Darren Wilson. Brown’s body was left at the scene of the crime several hours later which lead to uproar and protesting had begun. Typical protests state that it could have been a racism issue because of color barrier; many protesters argue that the act was unfair and they believe that Michael Brown was innocent. Was he actually innocent? It is shown in the Article, under the date Friday, Aug. 15th “The Ferguson Police Department releases the name of the officer-but also surveillance footage purporting to show Brown robbing a convenience store shortly before he was shot and killed.” The Article states that Michael Brown did commit a crime; there was surveillance that shows him robbing a convenient store. It also states that Wilson was unaware that he had committed a crime; so he shot for no reason? This is morally wrong, the police officer could have done many other things rather than make this choice. Instead of shooting to kill in this instance, when he didn’t even know a crime was committed, there were many other routes to be taken other than the result that came. This officer had either an objective erroneous conscience during the time, or a subjective certain conscience. It is hard to tell what kind of conscience the officer had because we are not inside of his brain,

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