
Descartes 3rd and 5th Meditations on God

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To understand the meditation's you must first understand they're reasoning and origin. Once this is accomplished, you usually already have a meditation subconsciously picked out in your mind that you feel is a more beneficial way to communicate the existence of God. Descartes gives proof for the existence of God in only the third and fifth meditations. The third meditation is purely on the existence of God, while the fifth meditation is the essence of material things; and also the existence of God considered a second time. As both of these have different ways of explaining the proof for the existence of God you must pick one in which you feel relates most to our generation today, and even to yourself. Starting with the third meditation Descartes attempts to prove three different characteristics of God, being that God exists, is the cause of the essence of the meditator, and the cause of the meditators existence. Descartes states, "By ˜God' I mean the very being of the idea of whom is within me, that is, the possessor of all the perfections which I cannot grasp, but can somehow reach in my thought, who is subject to no defects whatsoever  (Koistinen 256). Descartes also goes on to explain how the idea of God is non-chimerical, meaning He is real and not just imaginary. There are four main principles in this argument, starting with Descartes practicing a cosmological proof. This basically sums up that God is the cause of all effects and he proves that all of the other causes are not conceivable. In this proof Descartes is not only trying to prove the existence of God to the skeptical, but he explains that even the nonbelievers have a required tie to the existence of God just because we exist and are thinking beings (as in the Second Meditation). The basic breakdown of this is that everything that exists must have a cause of existence. Also the two certainties from this proof support the meditators own existence as a thinking substance and the existence of the ideas the mediator comes up with. Bringing these three ideas together Descartes came up with the conclusion that the idea of God exists in us solely because God put it there Himself. How else would the idea of Him already be something we have had in our thoughts since the beginning? Descartes came up with this idea by excluding the possibility that any being less than God could be the cause, or that the meditator can be God itself. An example to compare to this proof is that once we accept Descartes r

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